Tom’s 200″ 10×8 Taken 12/31/2016

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16 Jan 2017

Well Happy New Year to ME!  This is Triple Brow – a buck we first saw in June walking through our soybean seedlings and knew he was going to be big!  He had three brow tines each side even then!  The short short story on this deer is, as I’ve done many years, I hunted this one buck the entire season.  Finally everything came together New Years Eve and I got a 12 yard bow shot at him.

Like I tell everyone who dreams of killing bucks like this with their bow.  NEVER go hunting with any other weapon!  That is step number one.  I shot this deer during the MO late Muzzleloader season.  Within the week I had seen him three other times at less than 50yards.  Easy shot for a muzzleloader.  But I’m NOT the sort that kills a deer like this with a firearm, then betrays the whole experience w a statement like “I wish I would shot him w my bow”.  Stay w the bow – and you WILL get your chance.  Here is the proof!  (as a footnote, 200-3/8″ is what I taped him at.  The rack has been sent out for an official score and I will post when it comes in.  I’m usually with 1-2% of actual)

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Mid West Sporting Properties, LLC is a Delaware Limited Liability Company established in 2005.  Its founder has been active in the hunting industry since the late 1990's.  Like so many,  spending many years traveling to mid west to bow hunt whitetails, finally became a relocation effort and in 2005 MWSP purchased 190 acres of land consisting of timber, native grass, and pasture.

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